Johnson Auto & Tractor Supply
Shop Local with Gayle and Don Johnson
Fifth in a series of stories about local Waurika businesses. Shop local and invest your tax dollars where we live, work and play.
Monica Bartling
When you talk with Don and Gayle Johnson, you will quickly discover that they put God and Family first in all they do. This focus has proven successful for them in life and as business owners of Johnson Auto and Tractor Supply. They have owned the business for 37 years.
Don is a 1969 graduate of Ryan High School and Gayle (Herron) is a 1971 graduate of Waurika High School. After college and living away for a few years, they returned to Waurika in 1975. Don is now President of the Ryan Alumni Association. “I attended one meeting and now I’m President,” Don stated. “It was kind of the same way when I became Waurika Chamber of Commerce President in 2005.”
Don became the parts manager for Gerken-Richardson Auto, when Helen Morgan retired, and worked there from 1975 to 1982 and Gayle worked in the office for a couple of years, as one of the secretaries. According to Don, “Gayle was the cute one.” He was also quick to point out that she is also the smart one and continues to do the accounting for their business today. As the parts manager, Don worked closely with Jack Rodolph who owned the NAPA Automotive and Tractor store and they became friends. When Jack decided to retire, he asked Don if he wanted to buy the business. “Jack worked out a great deal so Gayle and I could buy the store,” Don stated.
“I’d had many job offers through the years but Gary Gerken and Fred Richardson, owners of Gerken-Richardson Auto, would always talk me out of leaving. When this offer came up, both Gary and Fred said that Gayle and I should do it and that they would support us in every way they could.” Don continued, “It’s that type of support that you find mostly in small towns. It’s great when others want you to succeed.”
Gayle talked about how much fun it was to be a business owner on Main Street Waurika in 1982. There were many young couples who had opened businesses. Every store front on Main had a business in it. There were at least a dozen couples who either were our friends or became friends who opened stores. We had no idea what was coming.

122 N Main St – (580) 228-2333
Gayle talked about how much fun it was to be a business owner on Main Street Waurika in 1982. There were many young couples who had opened businesses. Every store front on Main had a business in it. There were at least a dozen couples who either were our friends or became friends who opened stores. We had no idea what was coming.
In late 1982, they discovered the impact of an economy in recession. “We had no experience of economic cycles and what a reality they are,” Gayle stated. Some of the stores began to close and Main Street changed. Both Gayle and Don talked fondly about all the high school students who have worked for them through the years and how much they enjoyed raising their children in the store. “We raised Jennifer, a 1991 WHS graduate, and Jeremiah, a 1995 WHS graduate, in this store.” Gayle stated. “When they were older they worked here, too.”
“Through the years, we’ve had opportunities to open NAPA stores in larger markets like Wichita Falls and Lawton,” Gayle said. “The big difference between doing business in Waurika and in the larger markets is the customer service.” Don stated, “In larger markets you only need to sell to a customer one time. We rely on repeat customers. Our focus is on customer service and repeat customers.”
When asked what had changed in the 37 years they’ve owned the store, both agreed that “Everything has changed.” “We used to work from catalogs and everything in the store was stocked just as shown in the catalogs. Inventory was done by hand and we stocked a great deal more product in store,” Don continued. “Today everything is electronic. Technology is everything when it comes to inventory and finding products. For new employees it now takes 6 months to a year to become proficient in the technology.”
“Vehicles have changed and tractors have changed,” Don explained. “So much of what we sell today is by a unit when it used to be by a single part. Today we get lots of pictures from the field and an email or text asking, “Can you get this part?” NAPA runs a truck from Dallas every evening that delivers the items that are purchased that day that are not in stock.
Don was the Scout Master for Waurika for many years and has been active in the Chamber of Commerce for as long as he can remember. Gayle served on the Waurika City Council for 8 years and was mayor for 6 of those 8 years. She is also active in the Republican Party where she currently serves as Vice-Chairman for Jefferson County. They are both active members of the First Christian Church.
Why have they stayed in Waurika all these years? “This is our community,” Gayle said. “Quality of life is worth more than money.”
What is their secret to success? “Trust that God has a plan,” Don stated. “Stay true to God’s plan and keep God and Family first in every decision you make.”
Notes: This story is part of series on Waurika businesses sponsored by the Waurika Chamber of Commerce and its Shop Local Waurika Program. We will add stories periodically and we hope you enjoy them. To read more stories like it go to www.waurikachamber.com/shop-local-stories and find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/WaurikaChamber/.